• Communications

• Marketing

• Public relations

• Media outreach

• News & feature writing

• Marketing & ad copy

• Social media

• Presentations

• Speeches

... and much more!


Samples from
Weyerhaeuser, Boeing,
Holland America,
Monsanto, the Washington
State Department of
Personnel and many other
clients and employers.


Training at the top-ranked
University of Missouri
School of Journalism
and three decades of work
for companies like Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, Monsanto, Holland America
and many others.


Lots of nice comments
from employers, clients,
co-workers and readers!



 Each press release has been adapted from print to digital format for easier viewing.
Just click on a picture or logo below to read that release.



Monsanto president says exports
key to U.S. farm problem

           The long-term health of U.S. agriculture depends on America's
           regaining its fair share of international markets, a Monsanto
                                                                          Company executive said today in a major policy speech.



Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire and 
CFD Announce Hurricane Katrina Fund

Gov. Christine Gregoire this week will help kick-off the Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD), one of the nation’s most successful state-run charitable giving programs. In conjunction, a special fund to help those impacted by Hurricane Katrina has been established this year.   



Junior Achievement program
teaches basics of economics

Through Project Business, an extension of the well-known Junior Achievement program, Monsanto volunteers are employing a variety of activities, including audio-visual aids, gamesplaying and field trips, to overcome negative perceptions of American business.




Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire
honors 15 efficient state managers

Gov. Christine Gregoire today announced that nine state employees will be presented with the Governor’s Distinguished Manager Award for excellence in management this past year. Another six managers will receive the Governor’s Sustaining Leader Award for their continued leadership over a longer period of time.


Monsanto signs technology
agreement with Physical Acoustics

Under the agreement, a Monsanto/Physical Acoustics emission technology package will combine Monsanto's proprietary methodology and PAC's multi-channel/multi-processing acoustic emission SPARTAN system. In addition to the hardware and information package, potential customers will receive on-site training by both Monsanto and PAC personnel.



Monsanto Minority Economic
Development Program a big success

Monsanto Company today announced that the operation of its Minority Economic Development Program resulted in more than $33.5 million of business for minority contracts in 1983. The purchasing segment of the Monsanto program, started in 1973, promotes the use of minority resources to benefit individuals, industry and the community.



Monsanto transfers computer
technology to aid university education

Monsanto Company has made available for distribution by the CACHE Corporation direct campus use of the FLOWTRAN computer process simulation system for teaching process design and analysis. Monsanto's action will reduce costs, save time and allow far greater usage of the system at universities.