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Gov. Gregoire joins state employees and retirees in
21st annual Combined Fund Drive --
Special Hurricane Katrina fund established

For Immediate Release: September 12, 2005

OLYMPIA – Sept. 12, 2005 – Gov. Christine Gregoire this week will help kick-off the Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD), one of the nation’s most successful state-run charitable giving programs. The 21st annual campaign begins on Thursday, Sept. 15.
State employees and public agency retirees donated more than $5.46 million to local, national and international charities during the 2004 campaign. In CFD’s 20 years of existence, more than $67 million has been raised during the annual campaigns, which usually run from Sept. 15 to Oct. 31.
“I respect the commitment to public service shown by our employees and retirees,” said Gov. Christine Gregoire, chair of the 2005 CFD campaign. “Witnessing their additional outpourings of support through charitable giving and volunteerism is yet another measure of the caring they show for Washington’s communities.”
All employees at state agencies, commissions and public institutions of higher education are eligible to participate, as are public agency retirees. In addition, other public workplaces, including the City of Seattle, have chosen to channel their employees’ charitable donations more efficiently through the state’s giving program.
Employees and retirees can select from more than 2,000 nonprofit organizations, ranging from human services to the arts to the environment, or choose one of their own. For the second year, donating is made easier through the use of “GivingStation,” an online tool that gives the option of regular payroll deductions or one-time donations.
And, in response to the tragedy in the Gulf Coast region, donors are able to make one-time gifts to a special Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief campaign during September.

 “It is the employees and retirees of the state of Washington who make this program a success,” said Randy Ryan, CFD program manager. “State employees working in the public sector truly identify with the needs in their own communities and around the world. Their generosity is greatly appreciated.”
More information about the Combined Fund Drive can be obtained at or (360) 664-1995.
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(Please note: This release was produced for the Washington State Department of Personnel, where Mark Ziegler served as manager, Internal Communications, on a contract basis. The Department of Personnel houses and provides some support functions for the Washington State Combined Fund Drive. For important statewide announcements such as this one, releases are sometimes issued from the Washington Governor's Office, rather than the actual agency itself.)